The seventh InnCoCells project meeting was held in the city of Nancy, France, 13-15 May 2024, and was hosted by one of our SME partners, Plant Advanced Technologies (PAT).
Over three days packed with presentations, meetings and discussions, we were brought right up to date with the progress in all work packages, and there were meetings of the Management Committee (which oversees the running of the project), the General Assembly (the InnCoCells main decision-making body), and the Exploitation Committee (which handles the pre-commercial development of InnCoCells cosmetic ingredients).
The third day was set aside for a special session with the InnCoCells Stakeholder Group, which consists of 19 members representing the cosmetic industry, agriculture, academic research and cosmetic end-users. The highlight was a presentation of the current status of the 10 leading cosmetic ingredient candidates developed by InnCoCells partners, all of which show highly promising bioactive properties in a range of in vitro assays. This sets the stage for the final phase of the InnCoCells project, where these ingredients will be characterized in more detail, including detailed analysis of environmental sustainability and process economics.