Links to InnCoCells project resources can be found on this page

Please clink the links below to access our promotional literature, audiovisual resources, publications, presentations, and press releases

Image credit: hop vines by ILVO

Project brochures

Download our first project brochure

At the beginning of the project, we published a brochure to introduce InnCoCells, provide key facts and figures, outline the concept, objectives, and organization of the project, and summarize the partners involved and their roles.

Download our second project brochure

Our second brochure describes the first 18 months of the InnCoCells project and the progress we have made towards our ambitious objectives. Click on the button below to find out more.

Download our third project brochure

Our third brochure describes the progress of the InnCoCells project at the half-way stage. Click on the button below to find out more

Download our fourth project brochure

Our latest brochure describes the first 3+ years of the InnCoCells project and the progress we have made towards our ambitious objectives. Click on the button below to find out more.

Audiovisual resources

Watch our project videos

Our video series provides more information about the InnCoCells project and the people who are working on it. The latest video is shown below. You can click on the button underneath to access our video page. 

Listen to our project podcasts

Our podcast series features informal one-to-one conversations with the people working on the InnCoCells project. The latest podcast can be found below. You can click on the button underneath to access our podcast page.

Training and documentation

InnCoCells Academy events

Our InnCoCells Academy events are public webinars covering topics relevant to the project. An example is shown below. You can click on the button underneath to access the entire series.

Public deliverables

The deliverables of the InnCoCells project are official reports describing our achievements as required by the Horizon program. You can access our public deliverables by clicking the button below.

Publications and press

InnCoCells publications

All the scientific publications produced by the InnCoCells project can be accessed by clicking the button below.

InnCoCells press releases

You can access the press releases and other media materials of the InnCoCells project by clicking the button below.