The second InnCoCells project meeting was held in Naples on 29 November to 1 December 2021, with most of the project partners attending in person and a small number joining via remote links, along with the EC Project Advisor and Policy Officer. The Management Committee meeting was held on 29 November, followed by two full days of presentations by the work package leaders to provide progress updates, as well as breakout sessions to explore new ideas and potential collaborations. The first day also included meetings of the General Assembly and the Exploitation Committee, whereas the second day began with presentations from the local host of the meeting (project partner Arterra Biosciences) and the EC officers.
The work package leaders reported excellent progress during the first 6 months of the project, with all deliverables achieved on time or ahead of schedule and all milestones reached.
The next project meeting will be hosted by project coordinator VTT in Helsinki, in the summer of 2022.