On 7 October 2022, the partners of the EU Horizon 2020 project InnCoCells met online with their Stakeholder Group (SHG) for the first time to get to know each other, discuss the project, and receive advice from the stakeholders.
Dr Kirsi-Marja Oksman-Caldentey, the project coordinator, welcomed the SHG and explained the project goals, objectives, and interactions among the nine work packages.
Dr Karin Metzlaff, leading the engagement with the SHG, summarized the SHG concept: the engagement of key stakeholder representatives to advise the project partners throughout the project, to optimize the project results, to facilitate their uptake, and to maximize the overall impact. She reminded everyone that the information discussed in stakeholder meetings is by default confidential, and that the partners will make it clear when they would like the SHG to disseminate the project results or communicate with their networks about the project.
Each member of the SHG introduced themselves and stated their interest in the project. The SHG comprises representatives of small and large companies, agricultural groups, academia and end-users from across Europe.
The project’s work package leaders then gave short presentations laying out the objectives, tasks, deliverables and milestones of their work packages, and suggesting how the SHG could help. Each presentation was followed by open and interesting discussion, during which the stakeholders brought up issues for the partners to consider, useful additional information, and further insights in ‘question and answer’ sessions.
Finally, the stakeholders congratulated the project partners on the very ambitious and comprehensive project and stated that they look forward to further interactions with the project partners in the coming months and years. This will make the project more successful, and also more useful for the stakeholders and society at large.
The SHG will meet the partners face to face at the next project meeting in Luxemburg, early June 2023.
Image credit: cranberry plants by Jouko Lehmuskoski, NatureGate